

Your input is vital in helping us understand your goals, requirements, and desired outcomes. Please provide as much information as possible to ensure a successful collaboration. Once you submit the 项目要求 Form a member of our team will review it.


请求 a website update to modify your webpage, website or URL to meets the needs of your project, department or organization.
We are here to help you establish a strong digital presence that aligns with the University's goals. Please provide as many details as possible in the 网站要求 Form to initiate the process.


Launch impactful email campaigns to engage your audience and achieve your marketing goals.
Our email marketing team is ready to assist you in creating and executing effective email campaigns. 请填写 电子邮件申请表格 开始吧.

  市场营销 Photography 请求

Professional photography services are available to capture campus activities and accomplishments that offer high-impact opportunities to elevate the visibility of SHSU. 你可以 request our 市场营销 Photography 服务


The IMC Content team welcomes your content ideas that present strong opportunities to enhance SHSU's visibility. 请提交 内容请求 with your information.