整合营销 通信

We are a creative and diverse group of artists, 说书人, “字, designers and strategists dedicated to preserving and increasing the visibility of the 山姆 Houston State University brand. Our projects are more than just marketing – we strive every day to define and convey 什么 makes SHSU a great name in education. 

整合营销 通信 follows an integrated strategy and is organized such that strategy, structure and systems are aligned to produce optimal outcomes. Our team is structured around the marketing and communications process, which encompasses all steps from creative to production.


The 整合营销 通信 team has four main priorities:

  • Elevate SHSU’s reputation by sharing its stories and promoting its accomplishments to a broad audience, 包括媒体
  • Promote and protect the SHSU brand through the use of consistent, effective visuals and messaging through the university’s communication vehicles
  • Ensure that the SHSU brand is portrayed as successfully in online vehicles as it is in print
  • Support internal clients on campus in developing and implementing their own marketing and communications strategies to achieve results


整合营销 通信 is a full-service, on-campus agency that exists to further SHSU’s strategic objectives and support the university community. We are happy to provide our time, expertise and resources to partner with you in the following areas: 品牌, 通信有创意的服务市场营销, 打印服务.


  • 品牌管理
  • 声誉管理  
  • 应急通信
  • 内容创作
  • 内部沟通
  • 电子邮件营销
  • Executive communications
  • Social media strategy and management
  • 战略规划 
  • 广告 
  • 打印服务
  • 平面设计
  • 摄影
  • 摄像
  • 网站支持


Below are a few tips for working with us that will ensure a successful collaboration:

  • 尽早让我们参与进来. 像大多数部门一样, we are typically managing numerous projects and deadlines all at once and need sufficient time to provide value-added assistance. 一般来说, a brochure takes four weeks from concept to completion, a direct mail piece takes three weeks and a press release takes two weeks.
  • 提前制定战略. If possible, come to us with a clear idea of 为什么 你这么做, 什么 你需要的, 如何 you want to communicate it and to . Of course, if you require help strategizing in advance, we will assist you with creating a plan.
  • 是及时的. 时间很重要. When it comes to media inquiries, an unreturned phone call typically translates to a missed placement opportunity. When it comes to project management, honest feedback is essential throughout the project stages to ensure deadlines are met.
  • 要具体. The more clearly you articulate the objectives, the more successful your project will be. And, don’t be afraid to ask us for guidance; our team has years of experience in a variety of areas!